
Professor dell’Isola has been either supervisor or member of the Master of Doctoral Committees for the following candidates:

2000 – Dr Stefano Vidoli (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza). Title: “Structures and control: continuum integrated models”

2002 – Dr Giulio Sciarra (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza — Docteur en Mécanique at Université du Sud-Toulon Var). Title: “Modeling of a fluid flux through a solid deformable matrix”

2005 – Dr Maurizio Porfiri (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza — University of Toulon). Title: “Performances of passive electric networks and piezoelectric transducers for beam vibration control”

2005 – Dr Corrado Maurini (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza — Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Doctorale SMAE). Title: “Piezoelectric composites for distributed passive electric control: beam modelling, modal analysis, and experimental implementation”

2006 – Dr Luca Placidi (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza). Title: “Microstructured continua treated by theory of mixtures”

2009 – Dr Angela Madeo (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza). Title: “Variational Techniques in Poroelasticity”

2009 – Dr Lachouette Damien, at Institute de Mathématiques de Toulon et du Var, Université du Sud Toulon-Var, Toulon (France). Title: “Modélisation d’une interface fluide/solide avec érosion. Application à l’érosion interne”

2010 – Dr Giuseppe Rosi (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza and Université Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris 6), Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Specialité Mécanique). Title: “Control of sound radiation and transmission by means of passive piezoelectric networks: modelling, optimization and experimental implementations”

2011 – Dr Roberto Paccapeli (Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Università di Roma La Sapienza and Université Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris 6), Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Specialité Mécanique). Title: “Control for mechanical system in smart structures: variational approaches for detecting damage”

2013 – Dr Daniel Ahmad (Doctor of Philosophy at Doctoral School MEGA, Université de Lyon). Title: “Analyse et simulation de film de la déformation de film polymères de décoration au cours de leur mise en form”

2014 – Dr Antoine Rallu (Doctor of Philosophy at the Laboratoire Génie Civil et Bâtiment (L.G.C.B.) – ENTPE/INSA de Lyon, France). Title: “Dynamique à basses et moyennes fréquences demilieux hétérogènes périodiques”

2014 – Dr George Noel Djoufedie (Doctor of Philosophy in Ingegneria e Modellistica Fisico-Matematica at Università dell’Aquila, Italy). Title: “Non-strictly hyperbolic systems of conservations laws arising in oil recovery”

2015 – Dr Khaled El Nady (Doctor of Philosophy at the École Doctorale Mécanique et Energétique de l’Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France). Title: “Nonlinear constitutive models for lattice materials by discrete homogenization methods at large strains. Application to membranes and textiles”

2016 – Dr Julie AL-HOUT (Doctor of Philosophy at Doctoral School MEGA, INSA de Lyon). Title: “Etudes Expérimentales et Numériques du comportement des structures en Pisé et en Maçonnerie : Apport de la MED”. Convocation

2016 – Dr Ba Tam TRUONG (Doctor of Philosophy at Doctoral School MEGA, INSA de Lyon). Title: “Formulation, performances mécaniques, applications du matériau TRC pour le renforcement et réparation de structure en béton/et béton armé : Approches expérimentale et numérique”. Convocation

2017 – Dr Hilal Reda (Doctor of Philosophy at Ecole Doctorale EMMA, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France). Title: “Modeling and computation of the effective static and dynamic properties of network matiarials accounting for microstructural effects and large deformations”. Convocation

2017 – Dr Mojtaba Biglar (Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, Politechnika Rzeszowska, Poland). Title: “Strain state in neighbourhood of defects in piezo-electric ceramic material”. Invitation Letter

2017 – Dr Anastasiya Vinakurava (Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, Politechnika Rzeszowska, Poland). Title: “Modeling of bone and bioceramic materials for biomechanic analysis of the hip-implant considering micropolar plasticity”. Invitation Letter

2017 – Dr Hao Xiong (Doctor in Computational geomechanics, IRSTEA Grenoble, France). Title: “Multiscale modeling of granular materials in application to geotechnical engineering problems”.

2017 – Dr Sergei Khakalo (Doctor in Computational mechanics, Aalto University School of Engineerin, Finland). Title: “Strain gradient continuum mechanics: simplified models, variational formulations and isogeometric analysis with applications”. Invitation Letter

2018 – Dr Sara Bucci (Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany). Invitation Letter

2018 – Dr Antoine Wautier (Docteur in Sciences por l’Ingénieur: Mécanique, Physique, Micro et Nanoélectronique, Aix-Marseille Université, France). Title: “Analyse micro-inertielle des instabilités mécaniques dans lex milieux granulaires, application à l’érosion interne. [Micro-inertial analysis of mechanical instability in granula materials with application to internal erosion].Convocation

2020 – Dr Thibault Dassonville (Docteur en Mécanique ). Title: “Approche expérimentale de l’homogénéisation numérique.Convocation as President

2020 – Dr José Iván Colorado-Cervantes (Docteur en Mécanique). Title: “Modélisation théorique et simulation numérique de la mécanique cardiaque : vers des applications cliniques personnalisées pour l’évaluation du mouvement.Convocation as President

Other Memberships

2005 – Member of the Selection Committee for the assignment of a research fellowship of four years at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Università La Sapienza di Roma, sector ICAR /08 Scienza delle Costruzioni. Title: “Strutture Intelligenti: Modellazione e metodi per il controllo della risposta e dello stato di integrità strutturale“. Candidate: Dr Luca Placidi

2006 – Member of the Selection Committee for the position of associate professor at the facoltà di INGEGNERIA, Università degli Studi di CATANIA, sector ICAR /08 Scienza delle Costruzioni

2009 – Member of the Selection Committee for the assignment of a fellowship of three months at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Università La Sapienza di Roma. Title: “Dinamica nonlineare di corpi continui soggetti a impatto“. Candidate: Dr Luca Placidi

2010 – Member of the Selection Committee for the assignment of a research fellowship of one year at the Dipartimento di Strutture dell’Università ROMA TRE, sectors MAT/07, FIS/01 and ICAR /08 Scienza delle Costruzioni. Title: “Controllo attivo e passivo di vibrazioni in elementi strutturali tramite reti piezoelettriche: modellazione, sintesi e sviluppo sperimentale“. Candidate: Dr Luca Placidi

2014 – Member of the Commission for the “Habilitation à diriger les Recherches” at Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Ingénieur de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie (ICUBE), Strasbourg. Candidate: Dr Daniel George

2014 – Member of the Selection Committee for the position of associate professor at the Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi di ROMA TRE, sector 08/B2 S.S.D. ICAR /08 Scienza delle Costruzioni

2014 – Member of the Commission for the “Habilitation à diriger les Recherches” at LGCIE, INSA-Lyon, Villeurbanne, Lyon. Candidate: Dr Angela Madeo

2016 – Member of the Commission for the “Habilitation à diriger les Recherches” at Université de Toulon, France. Candidate: Dr Luca Placidi

2016 – Member of the Commission for the selection of “Ricercatore Universitario con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato” at Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy.

2017 – Member of the Commission for the “Habilitation à diriger les Recherches” at Université Paris EST, Marne la Vallée, France. Candidate: Dr Nicolas Auffray. Convocation

2019 – Member of the Commission for the “Habilitation à diriger les Recherches” at Université Paris EST, France. Candidate: Dr Arthur Lebée. Convocation