

[1] P. Seppecher, “Etude d’une modelisation des zones capillaires fluides: Interfaces et lignes de contact”, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (These de Docteur), 1987. Download Pdf

[2] F. dell’Isola, H. Gouin and P. Seppecher, “Radius and surface tension of microscopic bubbles by second gradient theory”, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série II, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Astronomie, vol. 320 (5), 1995, pp. 211-216. Download Pdf

[3] F. dell’Isola and P. Seppecher, “The relationship between edge contact forces, double forces and interstitial working allowed by the principle of virtual power”, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série II, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Astronomie, vol. 321 (8), 1995, pp. 303-308. Download Pdf

[4] P. Seppecher, “Les fluides de Cahn-Hilliard”, 1996. Download Pdf

[5] P. Seppecher, “Moving contact lines in the Cahn-Hilliard theory”, International Journal of Engineering Science, vol. 34 (9), 1996, pp. 977-992. Download Pdf

[6] F. dell’Isola and P. Seppecher, “Edge Contact Forces and Quasi-Balanced Power”, Meccanica, vol. 32 (1), 1997, pp. 33-52. Download pdf

[7] C. Pideri and P. Seppecher, “A second gradient material resulting from the homogenization of an heterogeneous linear elastic medium”, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, vol. 9 (5), 1997, pp. 241-257. Download Pdf

[8] F. Golay and P. Seppecher, “Locking materials and the topology of optimal shapes”, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, vol. 20 (4), 2001, pp. 631-644. Download Pdf

[9] J.J. Alibert, P. Seppecher and F. dell’Isola, “Truss modular beam with deformation energy depending on higher displacement gradients”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, vol. 8 (1), 2003, pp. 51-73. Download Pdf

[10] C. Pideri and P. Seppecher, “Asymptotics of a non-planar rod in non-linear elasticity”, Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 48 (1-2), 2006, pp. 33-54. Download Pdf

[11] J.J. Alibert and P. Seppecher, “Closure of the Set of Diffusion Functionals – the One Dimensional Case”, Potential Analysis, vol. 28 (4), 2008, pp. 335-356. Download Pdf

[12] G. Bouchitté, W. Gangbo and P. Seppecher, “Michell trusses and lines of principal action”, Mathematical Model & Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 18 (9), 2008, pp. 1571-1603. Download Pdf

[13] F. dell’Isola, A. Madeo and P. Seppecher, “Boundary conditions at fluid-permeable interfaces in porous media: A variational approach” International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 46 (17), 2009, pp. 3150-3164. Download Pdf

[14] G.W. Milton, P. Seppecher and G. Bouchitté, “Minimization variational principles for acoustics, elastodynamics and electromagnetism in lossy inhomogeneous bodies at fixed frequency”, Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 465 (2102), 2009, pp. 367-396. Download Pdf

[15] F. Golay, D. Lachouette, S. Bonelli and Pierre Seppecher, “Interfacial erosion: A three-dimensional numerical model”, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 338 (6), 2010, pp. 333-337. Download Pdf

[16] G.W. Milton and P. Seppecher, “Hybrid electromagnetic circuits”, Physica B: Condensed Matte,vol. 405 (14), 2010, pp. 2935-2937. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media — ETOPIM-8. Download Pdf

[17] F. dell’Isola and P. Seppecher, “Commentary about the paper ” Hypertractions and hyperstresses convey the same mechanical information Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2010) 22:163–176 ” by Prof. Podio Guidugli and Prof. Vianello and some related papers on higher gradient theories”, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, vol. 23 (5), 2011, pp. 473-478. Download Pdf

[18] G. Bouchitté, I. Fragalà and P. Seppecher, “Structural optimization of thin elastic plates: the three dimensional approach”, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 202 (3), 2011, pp. 829-874. Download Pdf

[19] P. Seppecher, J.J. Alibert and F. dell’Isola, “Linear elastic trusses leading to continua with exotic mechanical interactions”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 139 (1), 2011. Download Pdf

[20] F. dell’Isola, P. Seppecher, A. Madeo, “Beyond Euler-Cauchy Continua: The structure of contact actions in N-th gradient generalized continua: a generalization of the Cauchy tetrahedron argument”, Variational Models and Methods in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, CISM Courses and Lectures, vol. 535, 2012, pp. 17-106. Download Pdf

[21] F. dell’Isola, P. Seppecher, A. Madeo, “Fluid shock wave generation at solid-material discontinuity surfaces in porous media”, Variational Models and Methods in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, CISM Courses and Lectures, vol. 535, 2012, pp. 315-358. Download Pdf

[22] F. dell’Isola, P. Seppecher and A. Madeo, “How contact interactions may depend on the shape of Cauchy cuts in N-th gradient continua: approach “à la D’Alembert“, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, vol. 63 (6), 2012, pp. 1119-1141. Download Pdf