Virginia Tech Università di Roma La Sapienza

Design & Theory 2/5



The circuital schemes of some electric analogs are here shown for:

- the Telegraphist equation (governing e.g. extensional and torsional waves in beams);
- the Elastica equation (governing e.g. bending waves in Euler beams) (here active elements are used [1]);
- again the Elastica equation (in this case only conservative elements are used [2]);
- the Membrane equation (governing e.g. bending waves in membranes or extensional waves in plates);
- the Plate equation (governing e.g. bending waves in Kirchhoff plates [1]).


[1] Alessandroni, dell'Isola, Frezza: Optimal piezo-mechanical coupling to control plate vibrations, Proceedings ISEM, Tokyo 2001, to appear in J. of Applied Electro-Magnetism and Mechanics

[2] dell'Isola, Henneke, Porfiri: Synthesis of electrical networks interconnecting PZT actuators to damp mechanical vibrations, Proceedings ISEM, Tokyo 2001, to appear in J. of Applied Electro-Magnetism and Mechanics